d HIASAA | Highland, Illinois Area School Alumni Association
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HIASAA - Highland Community School District 5
Highland Community School District 5
HIASAA - St. Paul Catholic School - Highland, IL
St. Paul Catholic School
HIASAA - Highland Community School District 5
Highland Community School District 5
HIASAA - St. Paul Catholic School - Highland, IL
St. Paul Catholic
Highland Illinois Area School Alumni Association
Highland Illinois Area School
Alumni Association
Highland Illinois Area School Alumni Association
HIASAA - Highland Community School District 5
HIASAA - St. Paul Catholic School
Staff, Classmates and Alumni
Staff, Classmates and Alumni
About the HIASAA Hall of Fame
The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to honor alumni and employees of the Highland Area Schools who have earned recognition for their achievements and contributions in their fields of endeavor. Specifically, these areas of endeavor or categories are: the arts and sciences, business, public service, and sports.

One individual from each category is elected each spring by a vote of the Highland Illinois Area Schools Alumni Association Membership on a ballot that contains at least 3 nominees in each category.
All nominees had to meet the following criteria:
  1. Individuals attended or were employed by a school, public or private, within the boundaries of Highland Community Unit School District #5.
  2. Individuals demonstrated a high level of achievement in the arts and sciences, business, public service, or athletics, and made a significant contribution to that particular field.
  3. Individuals exhibit leadership, character, and service.
The induction ceremony is purposefully set to coincide with the Highland High School homecoming festivities each fall. Inductees will be introduced prior to the start of the homecoming football game on a Friday evening while the Hall of Fame inductees will be formally honored and inducted as part of a breakfast held at 9:00 a.m. on the following Saturday at Highland High School.
The 2022 breakfast is scheduled for September 24, 2022 at 9:00. For tickets or more information contact 618-772-9530 or email mfreyz@yahoo.com.
© 2006-2025 HIASAA Bylaws | Sitemap | Certified Non-Profit |
© 2006-2025 HIASAA | Bylaws | Sitemap | Certified Non-Profit |
© 2006-2025 HIASAA | Bylaws | Sitemap
Certified Non-Profit

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